Thursday, August 11, 2011

King Rabbit

The first round of rabbit stew came out all right... I'm going to run a few iterations before posting a recipe (cloves were a mistake).

In addition to being tender and juicy, it turns out rabbit is quite nutritious. About one small cottontail will yield your daily requirement of:
Omega 3, Omega 6, Niacin, Phosphorus, all 9 essential amino acids and 3x the daily requirement of B12.
Mineral content is equally ridiculous: Iron (83%) Phosphorus (72%) Selenium (65%) Zinc (47%) Potassium (29%) Copper (26%) Magnesium (23%).
A furry, bioavailable multivitamin.

I speculate this to be a result of their ability to get many of the nutrients produced by GI bacteria. Rabbits are too small for the complex digestive system of larger ruminates (cows, sheep). Instead, after they wash and rinse - they repeat. After sufficient nutrition is extracted, there is a 'final rinse'. So actually, the rabbit gut is quite complex in its own way.

But alas, it is no miracle food. In fact, subsisting on solely rabbit has startling consequences.
Eating lean meat exclusively will make you quite ill and if continued, will make you quite dead.
Thankfully, all it takes is a bit of fat and/or carbohydrates. I'll continue to mix with liberal amounts of lentils, yogurt, rice and whatever spices happen to be in abundance. Speaking of abundance, North America has about 50% of the worlds supply of rabbits (this is pretty typical of most valuable resources). I propose we let the exploitation begin.

Last minute 'interesting' facts about rabbits:
1) They cannot physically vomit.
2) Cottontails don't live in burrows, rather in above-ground nests.
3) 1946 New Zealand had over 100 rabbit boards whose top priority was to kill rabbits, 'almost regardless of cost'
4) Rabbits were declassified as Rodentia in 1912, now they're in it with the pikas.
5) There is a war being wages for, and against rabbits. The weapons: genetically modified viruses.


1 comment:

  1. "A furry, bioavailable multivitamin."

    Hopefully you guys can start taking them like One-A-Day's
